Thursday, 23 June 2011

Ceilidh #2 - Magdelene May Ball - 23/06/2011 - 04:30

Well, how much faff can we pack into an afternoon? Quite a lot it seems :P

I'll apologise now for my raginess. Being on the Science Park with 'cello and Stuff, making several trips both home and to Magdelene (for black tie clothing), finding soundchecks postponed and then cancelled, dress codes changing and the distinct Lack Of Busses does not a happy Danielle make.

When we eventually got there (after I made an apple meringue pie and slept for a good few hours), we were first taken to the green room. Where there was a bagpiper just about to start warming up. Oh my bagpipes are loud in small, confined spaces. If we weren't awake before, we certainly were afterwards.

Other items discussed: whether the womens' and mens' polos were different. Conclusion: yes. They button in opposite ways, and the womens' are fitted. Bathrobes were also brought up.

We waited for a bit for the stage manager to come grab us, and shortly thereafter found out we weren't to be soundchecked or mic-ed. Wasted afternoon sprang to mind, but hey. I had the morning after the ball to make up my hours in work, right ; )

We haggled to get the caller and leader amplified, albeit to their 75dB level, and started to play. Many people materialised, and soon it was hard for the caller to actually explain the dances. Much improvisation ensued. We're not sure if we could be heard, but we reckon we stayed in time. I hope James's foot is ok from the stomping..

It was rather cold, but my fingers just about survived : )

Went straight to work from the ceilidh, arrived at 7am, and was literally the only one in the office. Got a surprising amount of work done..

Now: quite sleepy.

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