Friday, 26 August 2011


Today I surprised the rest of the flat with themed cake. They're performing in "Batman! Holy Spoof Musical Batstravaganza!"

Bat cake it was then!

Thursday, 25 August 2011


Let's hope it gets better before the show tomorrow..

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Lots of photos of my whole day will appear at some point, but for now, here's my photo of the day:

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


So today I got my freshly charged camera with some fancy lenses and packed my bag, only to discovered that I'd left my memory card in the laptop. Excellent.

We've been reunited now:

Monday, 22 August 2011

24/365, and Edinburgh so far

A back street in Edinburgh:

This is one from yesterday. It made me smile.

This is Chris:

This is a person flyering for an awesome Japanese show. Abe Toshimisu desu.

Relinquishing the camera:

And stealing it back:


A brilliant looping beatboxer:

Then we saw four shows, including the Les Mis one. After this, we went to a free ukulele caberet show. It was very very good. There were kazoos, and a lady with a ukulele hat:

I have other photos, but I'm knackered and going to find some floor space maintenant. Nighty night.


Strike that, I have found Internets!

This was taken yesterday at 15:27. I was then engaged until 01:44, when I discovered I could not get the Internet. Luckily this has been resolved, at least for today.

Hopefully the next few will make it up on time, but I can't promise anything :S

Saturday, 20 August 2011


Thia is Nibbles:

Friday, 19 August 2011



Thursday, 18 August 2011


Quite ill. Got bored of sleeping, so did the other traditional lying-on-a-sofa activity - crochet. Here's one I made earlier:

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

18/365, and Dmitri


So yeah, this is Dmitri. With Hannah.

This is Dmitri with his baby brother Casanova:

Gratuitous Dmitri:

Monday, 15 August 2011


Another foodie one, not intentionally ; )

Tasty tasty tasty stripey avocado on the homemade bread as toast.

Also, I'm expecting an exciting photo tomorrow. It will be not-food-based*

(*but you can't quote me on this..)

Sunday, 14 August 2011


A lot of my photos so far are to do with food / baking. Let's not break that trend then:

This blog also seems to be documenting the actual things I'm making. So, here's the whole loaf, and the cupcakes I made to use up the rest of the buttercream icing from yesterday:

Saturday, 13 August 2011


Today I visited Cambridge strings. There are pretty things there:

Other images of note from today: a beautiful 5 stringed violin, a very photogenic Lira de Braccia-shaped viola, and the lower row of violins.

I also made cake:

Friday, 12 August 2011


The dough from yesterday has been shaped, baked, and now iced:

I hope they are enjoyed at the Beer Festival : )

On the way to icing, I also took this:

And, the finished product / table:

Thursday, 11 August 2011


Unlucky for some, tasty for others:

This will soon be transformed into beer cookies (fingers crossed)..

Wednesday, 10 August 2011



I drew a jellyfish today. Here he is:

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


Slightly hurried, but I like the reflection:

Monday, 8 August 2011


In other news, is it wrong that this is one of the best things from the last Harry Potter film? (The other being Alan Rickman, naturally)

So yeah, how awkward are your hugs, on a scale from one to Voldemort?

Sunday, 7 August 2011


Today, I was Creative. I made banana loaf, banana cupcakes, a crocheted Assyrian helmet, repotted some plants, and made falafel burger type things (they were tasty).

When I went to fill the watering can, I saw this:

Bonus photo - here is one of the cupcakes I made:

Saturday, 6 August 2011


Today I bought a piping nozzle set. However, the buttercream was too runny.. Oh well. Next time.

Friday, 5 August 2011


Not a great photograph, as it goes, but today it *had* to be this teapot.

That week went too quickly : (

Thursday, 4 August 2011


Nik, who has sadly now stopped his 3Dee65, plays ukulele. To mark this sad occasion, here is a picture of him:

He is an excellent accomplice, and it is thanks to him that I find myself in Liverpool at the moment, having delivered three jars of jam to my mum : )

Wednesday, 3 August 2011



Up at half 4 then?

Since I last posted properly, Simon has arrived! He was orbited on arrival:

This morning, myself and Nik went for a walk with the intention of seeing sunrise. We were up at half four (except I did my annoying/amazing thing of waking up 10 minutes before my alarm), ready and out by five. We interspersed walking with photography, talk, and surprise at how dense the clouds that we found ourselves in were. We ate apples. The clouds were this dense:

On the way down, after fighting off many many midges, we slid down the slopes, and Nik played ukulele, while I attempted to get more photographs of the slightly less cloud-covered lake.

Came back, had a nap and pottered round. Played Munchkin, which is excellent, and did some more crochet (an Assyran helmet with beard, if you're interested). The sun came out, and myself and Nik took our ukuleles outside, and played the confrontation from Les Mis. Back rubs, head massage and macro photography happened.

Dinner was started, and I made cake, of the chocolate mousse variety.

After this, we jumped outside and took boyband photos. It's just one of those things in this friendship group. It happens.

Telepathic X-Men First Class boyband:

There are plenty more pictures of them pretending to be weeping angels, and having a slow-motion fight, but I haven't looked at them yet. Later.

At the football!