Sunday, 20 June 2010

Oh T9, you are brilliant

Let's smuggle up and recap my week, since my diary epically failed this term..

Ok, so I've had three years at Cambridge university. I've never quite got it straight in my head that I'm at Cambridge. I still occasionally think *woah, Cambridge*, even now.

I'll never get it fixed in my head that I got a 2.i! I've stuck a printout of CamSis on the inside of my door to try and convince myself. It still feels a bit like Friday didn't happen.

Work is brilliant; I really enjoy it, and I work with lovely lovely people. I appear to be good at what I'm doing, which is a great feeling, and I'm able to get on with all the other staff.

I have just bought several panja. After seeing (and trying!) Caroline's on Friday evening, I remembered how I'd always wanted one. Took a little time to find out their name, but now quite a few are on their way : )

I didn't set an alarm today, and it was fantastic. I have so far, done nothing apart from eat hobnobs, grab my lovely warm dressing gown, and jump on here.

Clare May Ball was so much fun! The dress turned out pretty well (I think; it was only the first time I'd made something), and I managed to fix my useless zip problem, by making a GIANT pocket, which turned out to be damn useful.

I have opened up to a few key people. More of this needs to happen, but I'm getting there.

Yesterday, I took part in a piano trio (piano, violin, and 3 'celli), a cello/piano duet (2 'celli, and 2 people on one piano [one hand each, crossed over]), and a string quintet (Schubert's in C, which I *adore*; viola covered by bassoon). Wonderful stuff.

Today, I am going to get dressed and do these stupid dishes! I finally have time!!! Excitement.

And make a skirt methinks. I'm going to wander to John Lewis and get some thread/cord/ribbon for a dress I'm making for my sister, and maybe wander to the Senate House and check it's not all a dream :D

Stay safe and round!

Saturday, 19 June 2010


Yes. Yes it was.

Work. Boy. Result. Music.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Happy. Happy happy. Happiest she's been in a long time.

Night xxx

Friday, 4 June 2010

Exam 3

I have finished my degree! How terrifying.

Anywho, 3rd exam was more than a bit iffy. Was VERY upset there wasn't a decent optimising cmopilers question.. Maybe I'll just do constraintbased analysis for fun...?


Met friends afterwards (and took my photo for the photo challenge!), went to Spoons for a short while, then headed back to our CompSci BBQ - I got to bake cakes! And not feel guilty!

I have also recently received an interesting phone call...

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Third Exam

Nearly freeeeeee!

Am worried about this one - I only have 6 topics I can choose from, and must answer 5. I'f a few bad questions come up.. :S

But yes. After that, freedom is mine! I can finally do all the things I've wanted/started to do, guilt-free!

Anywho, 0-CFA. Yeah.

Oh Pietro. Why must your notes be so.. *phleh* *hopes there's a nice easy question on Sankoff/Fitch otherwise she might have to do NLP :S*

I need a wordy question on NLP pleases.

And CFA, actually. That'd be really nice, thanks.

I still have a fair bit to read.

And I need to find some food. Sigh.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Exam 2

Ok, so better than yesterday, surprisingly.

Answered 5. 4 confidently-ish, one 80% blagged, with a few pretty pictures. Did lots of different colours today.

And drew a happy quorum process. It smiled and everything : )

Just back from orchestra :D Maybe I shouldn't have gone, but I'd have gone insane otherwise, and I had a lot more time that I thought *this* morning. It will be ok.

I can do this!

Second exam

Can't be worse than the first, right?


Even though the first was meant to be the 'best'.. But I'm not thinking about that now.

I really want some toast, but the cleaner's in the kitchen, and she's a little scary. Oh well, revision fills the gap.

Need to look over 3 more topics. Should have enough time to then go over stuff I did last night. I'd say 'win', but that's unlikely.

Come on decent questions!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Exam 1

The less said the better, maybe.. It just didn't feel great. I answered 6, but not brilliantly methinks..

Oh well. That lack of motivation means I'm only *really* starting revision for the next now :S At least there's lots of overlap from today's, and I can read through them tomorrow morning :)

First exam

So. Much. Information.

And I hope that it's all stuck in my head.

And I hope that the questions are nice.

And I generally have lots to do.

And no time to do it :S

Here's hopin'!