Sunday, 30 May 2010

Where did it go?

My motivation has escaped me. I'm trying to get Beethoven to bring it back.

I might go revise elsewhere. My room is not a distraction usually, but today the bed is a LOT more appealing that usual.

I think I shall go inhabit a kitchen near 'U' (oh my, isn't that witty..)

I want to play the cello.

Saturday, 29 May 2010


It's raining.

My macro extension tube set ma jig arrived today; it won't easily fit on the body of the camera, and when I got it on, I couldn't take photos because "The lens is not attached". Great.

There's a suspect small silver screw that I might adjust when I can find a small enough screwdriver.. Flautists? Clarinettists?

On the plus, I worked out I can drop a subject from my revision, and remain at the same level of panic for the exams. 2 more to go.

And I got amazing surprise post today! With butterflies! From a cellist!

My room is tidy :) I'm off to dry my hair, then meet my auntie and uncle.

Possible exciting news RE: London.

And I feel lots better, including my back. I managed to revise at a table yesterday (!)

I can do this!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

You grow like tornado

5 topics, 5 days. More than one topic a day = win.

Feeling better today. Day off yesterday probably did me *lots* of good.

Though I am still worried about the last paper.

Am annoyed that the sun has apparently gone away, now that I actually need it for this week's photo challenge..

Going to check post before NLP. Yes.

Also, am loving Jonsi's Tornado. Especially at about 1:13.

I can do this.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Lazy morning

1 x 24 lectures
1.5 x 8 lectures
3 x 16 lectures

to go.

5 jobs to apply for.

1 supervision.

1 orchestra rehearsal.

1 finale of LOST.

1 visit from home.

1 lunch out.

3 exams.


I can do this.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

A sudden craving for home..


7 topics I properly want to cover.

Notes to read over.

3 hours of supervision.

An hour of supervision work.

LOST finale to squish in.

And a few topics I might glance over.

One orchestra rehearsal.


Positive thoughts.

I can do this.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Fighting the urge

to sew / buy more material.

Must. Revise.

Bluetooth. WiFi. RFIDs.


Thursday, 20 May 2010

Another update..

Fabric is in my room.

Zip and pins purchased.


Now to finish BioInformatics. No dinner until then.

I can do this.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Dress update

Fabric bought. Tutorials obtained.



I started off really well today.

Then decided I was going to make myself a dress.


Saturday, 15 May 2010


Quick posting from HOME. Yessssssss. All those hours were worth it to see mum's face :D

Dissertation miraculously finished and handed in; nothing more I can do about that.

Now revision. I have enough time. I can do this.

I shall continue to get up early (though not as early as yesterday, thankyou) - I appear to work pretty well then. Which is a shame after all these years thinking I work best at night. Turns out I like sleep more. Which I should really have known.

Then after exams, after the end, I am going to sort out me. And make me happy. Properly properly happy. I am mostly right now, don't get me wrong, but there's lots of room for improvement.

And I may have been entered onto a graduate scheme based in Manchester.. Hmm. This does not fit with my model of the next few years at all. I don't know how I feel about this.

Anywho, to the kitchen! Where it's clean and tidy and well-stocked :D

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Saturday, 1 May 2010

I like dee pink polentaaaaa

My favourite clip from QI, ever.

Keep your dukes up

It's clicked! Finally clicked!

I woke up this morning with 1,000 more words than I went to bed with ; ) And have done rather a lot since.

Now it's sunny and I'm going out : )

I get to make cake tomorrow, and properly attack the dissertation again later. And go to a concert!

This is going to a good weekend. I won't let anything get in its way.