Wednesday, 31 March 2010

This too shall pass

Sadness still prevails. This makes it go away a smidge :)

I think you should go watch it in HD, full screen; appreciate the sheer awesomeness.

Today I've been listening to a *lot* of Owen Pallett, and playing the violin.

My fingers feel way too big for a violin.

I shall persevere.


You may be made for love, but I'm just made.

You'll never stop them running

Yay! Jules has posted videos from the ENTIRE show, linked here for your viewing pleasure, and as a lovely shortcut for me: He Poos Clouds, here I come!

(Did I mention I loved that song??)
Incidentally, really funny thing happens in the middle ; )

He Poos Clouds


Flare Gun

The Butcher

Many Lives -> 49 MP

This Lamb Sells Condos

Lewis Takes Off His Shirt

Independence is No Solution

Better Than Worse

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Boys run like water from the barrel to the trough

Ok. I *am* actually doing my project right now. However, it is, at this second taking an age to make a mosaic (not a good sign, I know, but I am testing out a few new features, so I'll let it off), so I thought I'd jump on here and tell all you lovely folks (I know there are at least two of you..) about the wonderousness that was Owen Pallett.

After a bit of a hectic "train" journey there (Sunday trains, and a bus replacement service between Sandhills and Lime Street), I finally met Nice Phil (too long a story I'm not going into) at the Cornerhouse.

Off we pop, {ooh! It worked!! I should go, but I've started so I'll finish ; ) } to find a small Japanese restaurant I'd scouted out ( Nervously going down two flights of stairs with no signs that it*was* a place to eat, it turned out to be rather yummy. A mini-Wagamama, but a lot cheaper. Win. And we both tried fruit fritters (banana, pineapple, and the surprise favourite, apple). Scrummy.

Then to the venue, conveniently round the corner. This time, up two flights of stairs. Breeze through ticket collection, pause briefly at the merchandise table, hesitate, then hear some interesting sounds from the actual room, so go through, to discover..
TCHAIKOVSKY 6!! Yay! What excellent taste. We're assuming it was hand picked by M.Pallett, else The Deaf Institution has some seriously awesome stuff going for it. Like this stereo wall:

Decide to go buy some t-shirts (and also now regretting the fact I didn't buy a mug..), then go through to wait for the support band. Which turned out to be thrash metal ... Saying that, it was alright. I don't think I'd choose to listen to it, and I was glad that I could still hear properly after Next Life had finished playing, but 'twas an experience of a completely different type of music :

Here's their keyboardist. Also note the wonderful wallpaper:

Some more of the quirky venue:
There was a small seated section at the back, in a small alcove:

And of course, then there was Owen :D

Stonking set list:

  • The CN Tower Belongs to the Dead
  • This is the Dream of Win and Reg
  • The Man with No Ankles
  • That's when the Audience Died
  • Keep the Dog Quiet / Mount Alpentine
  • The Great Elsewhere
  • Lewis Takes Action
  • He Poos Clouds (from which the photo above is taken. The pizz *and* arco part in the middle. My favourite song!!)
  • Interview
  • Flare Gun
  • The Butcher
  • Many Lives -> 49 MP (wonderful version of it)
  • This Lamb Sells Condos
  • Lewis Takes Off his Shirt
  • Independence is No Solution
  • Better Than Worse

He is a brilliant live performer. I can't really describe in English just how good it was. Luckily, a nice person took some videos : ) And he has a wonderful laugh (a snippet of which is in the vid to He Poos Clouds; just up there..)

The CN Tower Belongs to the Dead

This is the Dream of Win and Régine

The Man with No Ankles

That's When the Audience Died

Keep the Dog Quiet / Mount Alpentine

The Great Elsewhere - Lewis Takes Action

Can't wait for him to be in England again :D

And now, to mosaic!

Monday, 29 March 2010

All the boys I have ever loved have been digital

So yes. I will rave on about Owen Pallett tomorrow. I have indeed compiled the set list. And taken photos. It was WONDERFUL

This is a just a small post though.

I often wonder if I did the right thing.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

He poos clouds

Going to see Owen Pallett tonight!!!


Saturday, 27 March 2010


Isn't that a cool name for a composer??


So, that bit of code is still broken, but another amazing bit works : ) Swings and roundabouts?

I've also jumped on the laptop with Internet (as opposed to my one with project and no Internet) again, and completely forgotten what I jumped on here to look up. I'm so easily distracted.

Just Dance. Another distraction. Beautifully captured by Khlöe:


Project seems to have broken, and not *just* in the current version. In every single other version where this method previously worked!!

No idea why it won't work.

Food time.

And I fell for ya honey as easy as fallin' asleep

Have just received post (so already in a bouncey mood). I knew it was going to be music for concert band, but didn't know exactly what it was going to be..

*mini drum roll in my head*

West Side Story Selection - Hmm, could be fun, I thought!

The Starts and Stripes Forever - Ok

Selections from Les Misérables - *BOUNCE* YESSSSSS

Friday, 26 March 2010

An observation

I currently have long nails. I haven't had nails for *years*. Clearly I'm not doing enough/any harp or cello at the mo..

When I was little [edit: have I ever stopped wanting this??] I wanted to be a nail art designer/painter : ) Pretty things:

My head is spinning..

My ear has just popped and I feel rather dizzy, but overall, slightly-less-ill-Dee!! Woop! Maybe I'll do some work later on : )

Or maybe I'll carry on looking through my photographs...

Thursday, 25 March 2010


Well, that's that. I no longer have a supervisor.. This could be interesting.

It was dirt and dirt is all the same

Was tempted to come and post at 5.43am this morning, when I was woken up by a shuffling in my room, which turned out to be Fitz, our dog.

Instead, I chased him, had a menthol Locket, and tried to sleep some more.

Good Things have happened today:

  • I came home and had a postcard from New York! I adore post..
  • I finished off my bracelet! Picture below..
  • I ate a pomegranate! And bought two more..
  • I bought 2 pairs of coloured tights! I have a bit of a thing for colourful tights at the mo..

And now to sleep. Still fairly ill, which is *really* annoying.. One of the few times when I actually *want* to do my university work and I just can't : (

Title is from ' '81 ' by Joanna Newsom. Lovely lovely song.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Brahms, Symphony 3 in F Major

I appear to have started a blog.

I've never wanted one before. I had a vague notion that I'd be setting one up soon, but for entirely different reasons. Alas that wasn't meant to be.

I gained a love of writing things down after I was bought a blank notebook as a birthday present last year. It sat around for a month, and then I had a sudden urge to write. I knew it should become a diary. Quite why I'll never know.

My head is filled with random bits and pieces, maybe I'm hoping to share some of them with you. Maybe you'll share some things with me. Maybe I'll write about general things in my life. Maybe I'll write about your life.

I really don't know.

I'm on a self-inflicted mission to listen to more classical music. Titles of posts may occasionally be what I'm currently listening to, or have stuck in my head.

I started this now because I'm ill. I'm home from university, and originally thought I was just having my termly spell of 'Oh no, I'm allergic to the dog again', but no. A horrible cold-y flu thing snuck up and got me. I went to bed at about 7, having dozed most of the day away, and now find myself awake.

I may write more later on. Or maybe tomorrow. Who knows?