Monday, 20 December 2010

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Wise words.

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

Friday, 17 December 2010

And yet again I find myself waiting for an e-mail..

So now I've had Thursday.

It was a day of fun, busy times, and completely free food (bar a snack I bought myself, but even then with a discount!).

And now I'm a little bit excited. Though I realised I like to focus on one thing at a time. I can multitask (a lot. It annoys some family members), but I prefer to focus on one thing, and block everything else out.

I also worked out that I tend to block out lots of things in day to day life, which is probably Not Good for my head in general. Alas, it's how I'm built.

Random thought: Snape can't half stalk!

Since finishing my degree, I thought I'd have a lot more time to catch up with people. In reality, I've been a lot harder to track down. Given the "free" time, I've filled it with things I enjoy and  want to do. This has the knock-on effect of hardly ever being around. I should stop some of my things next term. Or get a job with different hours. Possibly one that's nearer. Or all of the above.

[I would have added "get the bus more", but I've finally worked out why so many people dislike the Citi 2. Waiting at the bus stop, where they're supposedly every 10 minutes, I see two Citi 1 busses go by, a Citi-2-shaped bus that is for 'Driver Training', and eventually, nearly 25 minutes later, an actual Citi 2. Gah!]

So yes, sorry to everyone who's not been able to get hold of me! I will endeavour to be more contactable in the new year. Even by e-mail, which I usually put down as "Ah, yes! I'll reply to that shortly"

'Tis rather quiet today, but my head is very loud. I want it to be quiet too please.

Where did the time go? I've just made a plan, a very rough diary, of the next week. I still don't really feel Christmassy. I haven't been around younger excitable children, or a Christmas tree, or lights, or our giant advent calendar. And I definitely miss that. I can't wait to go home. Cambridge is nice, don't get me wrong, but it's not the same.

I currently have the literal video version of the Harry Potter 7 trailer in my head. It's awesome, but damn catchy, so be warned!

Wizard lightning battle! (zoom)

Sunday, 5 December 2010


I don't really like Mondays, even though now it doesn't mean: up early for shower, 9am geology practical, 10am compsci lecture, 11am geology lecture, 12pm compsci lecture, break, 2pm geology supervision, break, 4pm maths supervision, dinner, work, bar. Although I do kind of miss it. It feels like years ago, and it was. I don't know where the past three years and a term went.

This Monday could be interesting. For at least two reasons.

But first: sleep! Wonderful, wonderful sleep.

Monday, 29 November 2010


I have too much of it, and I'm starting to not be able to cope. I should feel the same way, as you did, but I can't.


We pondered before why people keep blogs. Am I writing simply to share experiences? Or to know that someone out that may read this, and 'permit' my behaviour? To be accepted? To provide food for thought?

Probably all.

Sometimes I wish I didn't know.

Tomorrow I should get a few parcels. That will take my mind off things.

I am also going to the wool shop on the way to work. I am making a Giant scarf. I've done 1/6th of it, and if I actualy followed the pattern, it would quite possibly be suitable for a giant. It would also cost a bomb. I plan to only do another 1/6th of it. This will still make it a Pretty Damn Chunky scarf.

It's still not out of my head.

Maybe sleep will help.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Festive challenge

So, the catering manager at work challenged me to make some cakes this week. Here's my attempt : )

I don't think the photo conveys how glittery they are..

Fingers crossed they taste good!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

I know that it sounds like a dream, but it's the only thing that gets me to sleep at night.

I'm proud of a life where to give means more than to take.

I wish it wasn't horrifically cheesy to quote songs in application forms and personal statements :P

I have been quite quiet here. anonymous will be glad to know that I am living from weekend to weekend much less now - though it does still vary occasionally. I thought I was just waiting for people to come back into my life, but it's something more than that.

Saturday's concert was immense fun. I hear on the grapevine there will be a video on the tube of you (doesn't sounds as right as the book of face..); shall link as and when I can.

Sunday's was also good, but a lot more stressful! Am looking forward to having my first free weekend coming up..

Hmm. Sleep now. It does sound like a dream.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


I manage to feel ill, sick, hot, and like I'm going to explode. All at the same time. Awful timing, naturally.


Damn. What to do. Please tell me, oh Higher-Being-Concerned-with-Jobs..

Sunday, 19 September 2010


I have taken on a new persona! Hahaha it's so brilliant, and not just for me! Maybe one orchestra's-worth of people will find out..

Monday, 13 September 2010


Is it wrong to live from weekend to weekend?

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Dream is collapsing

I have listened to this song way too much. It's not having as much of an effect on me as it used to, so I'm forcing myself not to cave in and listen. Effort.

Anywho, things. I'm learning Japanese. I have not massively liked the last three days in work. I should not feel reluctant to get out my camera.

Today I:
- genuinely smiled
- missed several people, rather a lot
- made damn good bread (even if I do say so myself..)
- practised 'cello
- bought a few birthday / Christmas presents (oh yeah)
- found out I could still remember how to crochet
- didn't end up going into town
- discovered that Davina is not kind if you don't keep up
- ensured I could write all hirigana correctly
- really want to watch a prom. Or that Great British Bake-off thing that everyone's gone on about
- want to share a photo with you. It's down there
- made an effort
- got really cold. Curse you, Cambridge
- gave a hint

I love beams.

Monday, 5 July 2010





Thursday, 1 July 2010



I've graduated.

I've moved in.

I've mostly unpacked.

I finally made the photomergey panorama thing. My adorable laptop (literally no sarcase, I love it to bits) took nearly 2 hours to make it, wasn't quite able to sort out the perspective, but hey.

Here is my wonderful kitchen. I'm about to go there and make cake : )


OK, it didn't work. I shall upload it tomorrow. And probably make cake tomorrow. I'm rather tired all of a sudden.. Nighty night!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Oh T9, you are brilliant

Let's smuggle up and recap my week, since my diary epically failed this term..

Ok, so I've had three years at Cambridge university. I've never quite got it straight in my head that I'm at Cambridge. I still occasionally think *woah, Cambridge*, even now.

I'll never get it fixed in my head that I got a 2.i! I've stuck a printout of CamSis on the inside of my door to try and convince myself. It still feels a bit like Friday didn't happen.

Work is brilliant; I really enjoy it, and I work with lovely lovely people. I appear to be good at what I'm doing, which is a great feeling, and I'm able to get on with all the other staff.

I have just bought several panja. After seeing (and trying!) Caroline's on Friday evening, I remembered how I'd always wanted one. Took a little time to find out their name, but now quite a few are on their way : )

I didn't set an alarm today, and it was fantastic. I have so far, done nothing apart from eat hobnobs, grab my lovely warm dressing gown, and jump on here.

Clare May Ball was so much fun! The dress turned out pretty well (I think; it was only the first time I'd made something), and I managed to fix my useless zip problem, by making a GIANT pocket, which turned out to be damn useful.

I have opened up to a few key people. More of this needs to happen, but I'm getting there.

Yesterday, I took part in a piano trio (piano, violin, and 3 'celli), a cello/piano duet (2 'celli, and 2 people on one piano [one hand each, crossed over]), and a string quintet (Schubert's in C, which I *adore*; viola covered by bassoon). Wonderful stuff.

Today, I am going to get dressed and do these stupid dishes! I finally have time!!! Excitement.

And make a skirt methinks. I'm going to wander to John Lewis and get some thread/cord/ribbon for a dress I'm making for my sister, and maybe wander to the Senate House and check it's not all a dream :D

Stay safe and round!

Saturday, 19 June 2010


Yes. Yes it was.

Work. Boy. Result. Music.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Happy. Happy happy. Happiest she's been in a long time.

Night xxx

Friday, 4 June 2010

Exam 3

I have finished my degree! How terrifying.

Anywho, 3rd exam was more than a bit iffy. Was VERY upset there wasn't a decent optimising cmopilers question.. Maybe I'll just do constraintbased analysis for fun...?


Met friends afterwards (and took my photo for the photo challenge!), went to Spoons for a short while, then headed back to our CompSci BBQ - I got to bake cakes! And not feel guilty!

I have also recently received an interesting phone call...

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Third Exam

Nearly freeeeeee!

Am worried about this one - I only have 6 topics I can choose from, and must answer 5. I'f a few bad questions come up.. :S

But yes. After that, freedom is mine! I can finally do all the things I've wanted/started to do, guilt-free!

Anywho, 0-CFA. Yeah.

Oh Pietro. Why must your notes be so.. *phleh* *hopes there's a nice easy question on Sankoff/Fitch otherwise she might have to do NLP :S*

I need a wordy question on NLP pleases.

And CFA, actually. That'd be really nice, thanks.

I still have a fair bit to read.

And I need to find some food. Sigh.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Exam 2

Ok, so better than yesterday, surprisingly.

Answered 5. 4 confidently-ish, one 80% blagged, with a few pretty pictures. Did lots of different colours today.

And drew a happy quorum process. It smiled and everything : )

Just back from orchestra :D Maybe I shouldn't have gone, but I'd have gone insane otherwise, and I had a lot more time that I thought *this* morning. It will be ok.

I can do this!

Second exam

Can't be worse than the first, right?


Even though the first was meant to be the 'best'.. But I'm not thinking about that now.

I really want some toast, but the cleaner's in the kitchen, and she's a little scary. Oh well, revision fills the gap.

Need to look over 3 more topics. Should have enough time to then go over stuff I did last night. I'd say 'win', but that's unlikely.

Come on decent questions!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Exam 1

The less said the better, maybe.. It just didn't feel great. I answered 6, but not brilliantly methinks..

Oh well. That lack of motivation means I'm only *really* starting revision for the next now :S At least there's lots of overlap from today's, and I can read through them tomorrow morning :)

First exam

So. Much. Information.

And I hope that it's all stuck in my head.

And I hope that the questions are nice.

And I generally have lots to do.

And no time to do it :S

Here's hopin'!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Where did it go?

My motivation has escaped me. I'm trying to get Beethoven to bring it back.

I might go revise elsewhere. My room is not a distraction usually, but today the bed is a LOT more appealing that usual.

I think I shall go inhabit a kitchen near 'U' (oh my, isn't that witty..)

I want to play the cello.

Saturday, 29 May 2010


It's raining.

My macro extension tube set ma jig arrived today; it won't easily fit on the body of the camera, and when I got it on, I couldn't take photos because "The lens is not attached". Great.

There's a suspect small silver screw that I might adjust when I can find a small enough screwdriver.. Flautists? Clarinettists?

On the plus, I worked out I can drop a subject from my revision, and remain at the same level of panic for the exams. 2 more to go.

And I got amazing surprise post today! With butterflies! From a cellist!

My room is tidy :) I'm off to dry my hair, then meet my auntie and uncle.

Possible exciting news RE: London.

And I feel lots better, including my back. I managed to revise at a table yesterday (!)

I can do this!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

You grow like tornado

5 topics, 5 days. More than one topic a day = win.

Feeling better today. Day off yesterday probably did me *lots* of good.

Though I am still worried about the last paper.

Am annoyed that the sun has apparently gone away, now that I actually need it for this week's photo challenge..

Going to check post before NLP. Yes.

Also, am loving Jonsi's Tornado. Especially at about 1:13.

I can do this.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Lazy morning

1 x 24 lectures
1.5 x 8 lectures
3 x 16 lectures

to go.

5 jobs to apply for.

1 supervision.

1 orchestra rehearsal.

1 finale of LOST.

1 visit from home.

1 lunch out.

3 exams.


I can do this.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

A sudden craving for home..


7 topics I properly want to cover.

Notes to read over.

3 hours of supervision.

An hour of supervision work.

LOST finale to squish in.

And a few topics I might glance over.

One orchestra rehearsal.


Positive thoughts.

I can do this.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Fighting the urge

to sew / buy more material.

Must. Revise.

Bluetooth. WiFi. RFIDs.


Thursday, 20 May 2010

Another update..

Fabric is in my room.

Zip and pins purchased.


Now to finish BioInformatics. No dinner until then.

I can do this.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Dress update

Fabric bought. Tutorials obtained.



I started off really well today.

Then decided I was going to make myself a dress.


Saturday, 15 May 2010


Quick posting from HOME. Yessssssss. All those hours were worth it to see mum's face :D

Dissertation miraculously finished and handed in; nothing more I can do about that.

Now revision. I have enough time. I can do this.

I shall continue to get up early (though not as early as yesterday, thankyou) - I appear to work pretty well then. Which is a shame after all these years thinking I work best at night. Turns out I like sleep more. Which I should really have known.

Then after exams, after the end, I am going to sort out me. And make me happy. Properly properly happy. I am mostly right now, don't get me wrong, but there's lots of room for improvement.

And I may have been entered onto a graduate scheme based in Manchester.. Hmm. This does not fit with my model of the next few years at all. I don't know how I feel about this.

Anywho, to the kitchen! Where it's clean and tidy and well-stocked :D

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Saturday, 1 May 2010

I like dee pink polentaaaaa

My favourite clip from QI, ever.

Keep your dukes up

It's clicked! Finally clicked!

I woke up this morning with 1,000 more words than I went to bed with ; ) And have done rather a lot since.

Now it's sunny and I'm going out : )

I get to make cake tomorrow, and properly attack the dissertation again later. And go to a concert!

This is going to a good weekend. I won't let anything get in its way.

Friday, 30 April 2010

I'm having a bright day today :)

But my feet are killing me! Silly shoes. (And no, they're not even new. My old brown ones!)

Yesterday was such a brilliant day. I did bounce at rather a lot of people.

Up nice and early, did a fair bit of dissertation.

Funtimes in lectures :) Clippy shoes. Discovered I am the only CompSci in the year without Wifi at home..

Walked home in the warm.

Did lots of writing.

Had tasty, spicy, lentilly goodness.

Went to a string clinic with Casanova (the cello :P) - I've never changed a string on it. I felt it was high time (after a few too many years), but I didn't know what type of strings are on it now, or what type to buy. A little Internet research showed there was a LOT of choice.

A very interesting presentation on how strings are made, and how their different materials combine to form the tones, a free pen and chromatic tuner (!) and then a consultation with my cello.

The best bit - what I'd thought was a free trial offer (trial these strings for a week, then decide whether to buy or return them..) was actually a whole free set of strings! So now, I'm waiting on a lovely lovely set of strings to arrive!

Then I get the fun of trying to put them on ; )

I bounced home.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

I have no fear, for I am Atticus now

I am referencing Chuck Close in my dissertation. I keep going to write Chuck Norris. Sigh.

From Saturday to now, I have had an extrememely mixed head. I went to concert band last night. Was mostly good : ) Surprised myself at my sight-reading ability on bass (previously untested, assumed to be the same as the rest of my sight-reading [i.e. dismal]). I like bass. Also found out just how painful it is to carry a bass, amp and stand from Fitz to St.Giles.. Have blisters on my hands. Looks like I've been rowing :P

Fingers, as ever, are crossed.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

I cannot disguise my love

Just thought I'd share the song that's running circles round my head.

[edit: However, the link may not be working. Hmm. Leave it with me]

[edit edit: link works now :) Albeit a live version, it's still amazing]

Atticus -The Noisettes

Wild young hearts

Felt like someone else yesterday. Only briefly, I wasn't being anyone else.. Just certain parts had a this-person feel to them.

Anywho, was another wonderful day, even if I really hardly did anything.

And I only briefly woke up at half 4 today. I managed to fall back asleep, rather quickly, which is something at least.

Plan for day: grapes, shower, work, orchestra, late lunch, work, eat, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep.


Saturday, 24 April 2010

The Water Goblin

I'm very sad that I'll be missing the concert tomorrow evening : ( The CSO are a lovely bunch of people.

I still have everything crossed. I'm guessing I'll know Monday..

And I would rather like it to be sunny and hot today yesplease. I'm most likely going to be awandering with a diabolo : )

Last night I was indeed rather sparkly! Went to Merchants' OBA dinner. Food was good, but a risotto as a main is very very filling! Luckily, I did eat it all, because my real main was a quiche xP Dessert was tasty - Apple Tart Tatin, with Creme (imagine the accent) Anglaise. Which actually turned out to be vanilla infused thick cream, and a creme brulee (again, imagine) sauce. Would've been a lot nicer if they'd taken the skin off the apples (tell a lie, they did take it off some of them.. Randomly), but hey. Yum.

I was also stupid and forgot my college card. Remembered my Party Feet but still got a cracking blister on the bottom of my left foot. Ouch.

Woke up again at half 4. Managed to get back asleep somewhere close to 6 I believe. Have no clue what's going on with my body clock.

Anywho, to work!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Stuck in reverse

Yeah. I'm awake. Have been since 04:19. Why, I have NO CLUE.

I've only had 4 hours sleep, yet I'm more awake than when I've had 8 or 9. *issoconfused*

[EDIT: No! This is a lie! I went to bed at 01:16.. 3 hours?!]

And I like sleep, I do. I've been lying in bed, telling myself I want to sleep; that this is the right time to sleep.

That didn't work. So, I put on some music. Really quietly.

That didn't work. Was good music, but I didn't nod off. So, I called O2 Treats and found out why I haven't been receiving my Treat for the past 2 or so months.

That worked :)

But still no sleep.

Mmmmm concert last night was good. <3 Vaughan Williams <3 . As they say (write??)

Although, I now have to watch out for cellists sneaking up on me to shout 'BOOM', making me jump a mile in the air.. Silly storms. (But very very well played storms)

Helped out a lovely lady called Mary, with promises to see her at the next concert :) And bumped into Diane! And caught myself an Italian! And met some wonderful people! And listened to great music (of several different genres!)! Exlamation mark!

Yesterday was a damn good day. I bounced. Rather a lot. Nothing at all was going to bring my mood down.

I feel bad that I haven't written in my diary for AGES. Albeit nothing *much* happened in the time I didn't write (see my other post, about my thoughts about the Easter holiday..), but now term proper has started, already so many things are happening! And I do have this, which shall act as a good aide-memoire.

I may try go back to bed now.

Or I may eat some more grapes.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

A damn good day so far : )

So. Yay! Now just to wait and see..

Distinct lack of lectures, beautiful warm sun, tasty lunch, *amazing* friends, complete surprises, concert tonight, making yummy food, a certain Italian making an appearance later, smiles and hidden reasoning.

Grapes are addictive.


I left out a really-rather-relevant thing on the application. Oh well, at least I have something to talk about!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Why did I not shop around? Why did I not save myself a *lot* of money? Oh well, at least I'll get it tomorrow morning. Let's pretend it was expensive postage.

I am so stupid.

Lewis Takes Action

I wish I was Lewis.

I'm finding it so hard to motivate myself. It doesn't feel like I should be working. I mean, I know I'm back in Cambridge, in college, and have work to do, but it's sunny, and there's been no lectures so far.

Maybe that's why I'm looking extra-forward to UCPO - it will be like going back to 'normal' Cambridge, and I'll feel like I should do work. Right now, I'm literally just pottering round :S

And I'll feel bad if I don't get anything done before I go out tonight. Maybe I should just pick a random section. The start is too hard.

Why does my mind work like this? (Why does it not work??)

Here, have a picture:

A random outpouring of thoughts

Bah sun. Lovely lovely sun, and we must stay in and work and be good. Sigh.

All unpacked now, apart from 4 piles of photographs, but I don't think I own enough blutack.. I've brought many more clothes, and my room looks a lot more empty. There has been a musical instrument exchange, so I got to play bass in my window yesterday. I sadly, and scarily, don't know where my clarinet is.

Already have a crazy busy week (evenings at least), with 6 new lecture courses (yay.), a concert, a rehearsal, a dinner and a pub. Not necessarily in this order.

I painted yesterday. I felt really ill, so I painted, made yearbook page, and slept. 'Twas nice.

I've changed my ringtone, and keep bopping along to it. Must remember to answer it. Have ordered new headphones/adaptor for my phone - mine went walkies after orchestra, but I literally have No Clue where.

I miss my favourite Italian. She's stuck :( Silly volcano. I can't believe just how disruptive it's been.

Prince Philip came to visit Fitz yesterday, and open the new library. He witnessed Fitz in a 'nearly-normal' state. As normal as can be, including the slacking, and tea-drinking ; )

Also tested a friend's project. Was so cool! And makes me worry about mine.. I need to analyse the results.. Please do my survey if you haven't already!

I just received a text. From O2.

Isn't that nice?

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Here comes a gale

Gah packing. I really dislike having to pack my life up, just to travel for a good few hours and unpack it all again. Currently trying to condense things, so they all fit. Am taking a lot of musical items..

And yay! Past stage one for one of them! Hopefully will know by the end of next week : )

Heartland score still hasn't arrived. Oh well, will get to see it all shiny new, and as at least a part-surprise. I must remember to pack my He Poos Clouds sheets..

Spent too much money yesterday. Oh well, very nice things have been acquired : )

Righty ho. Let's ferry more things down the stairs!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

You got the love I need to see me through

Ok, so I really don't rate the song she's playing, but OHWOW her pedal harp lights up. Flash.

Still not for me though ; ) This is my dreamy dreamy harp:

Today I listened to Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 24. I'm listening to Vivaldi's double 'cello concerto right now.. I like it lots...

Easter holiday 2010

Lived in my room, on the floor

Daily ritual of moving Things

Avocado and toast

Sponge cake

Joanna Newsom


Owen Pallett

Bananas and Special K


Salt & Pepper loaf



Red floral dress

Beethoven 7

Brightly coloured tights


Pyjama pants x2

Purple dressing gown

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Slow hands

Gah. Where did my motivation go??

I made another cake today, to complement my zebra cake. Now it looks a bit like a tie-dyed pacman is eating the aforementioned zebra :D

I also just ate a lot of salt & pepper baguette.

Thursday is my LOST day - I am an avid follower. I watch with Phil, sometimes in Cambridge, sometimes in his house, more recently over Skype. I'm happy we're finally getting answers, but rather gutted that it's the last series. I remember watching the pilot episode. I was in L5 (first year GCSE), and taking over the front room. Mum was on the couch. It was dark. I had giant pieces of brown paper all over the floor, stuck together to form a very big square. In episode one, I cut out lots of images of shells (about 4 different pictures, repeated about 5 times each), and stuck them on. Then I

Oh no. That's a lie. That's what happened for the finale of series one. I remember Locke peering over, finding the hatch as I waited for all the sand to dry (I filled in the gaps with glue, then gave everything a covering of bird sand. The piece was turned into a giant origami shell the next day)

That was years ago.

Here is a quick picture of the shell. It's not very good; looked better stapled to the wall, but you get the idea : )

I'm fed up of x, and I'm better than y. Just so you know : )
[and no Jo, I won't be defining my variables for you :P]

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


Haha. I am now orange. Silly free sample of foundation. *Who* is that colour??

Monday, 12 April 2010


Choose Delivery Option:
Fast - Usually next day before 6.30pm - FREE
Faster - Next day before 12 noon - £5.00
Fastest - Next day before 10:30AM - £10.00
Saturday - Saturday - FREE

What's the fastest one can go? Saturday!

Sunday, 11 April 2010

So they say..

Is well and truly stuck in my head.

"so they say she helps the homeless, and doesn't eat meat.. We have a problem with her!"

("This is his hair!")

Just got that feeling again.

Saturday, 10 April 2010


is done and live!

Please help out :D

What makes a "good" Photomosaic?

The survey is split into 4, because there was a question limit *grr*, but they are all only about 5 questions long each.


YES (thrice, YES)

I now have all of my survey-mosaics!

I feel I have a renewed bounce in my step, and do not feel too apprehensive about the dissertation, even if I have just read what I said I'd do in my project proposal :S

I'm gonig to tidy up the survey, and set it loose on the world.. Mwuahahaa

Today, I've mostly listened to 'So They Say' from Dr.Horrible's Sing Along Blog. It's wonderful.

I'm so scared about the future and I don't know what to do

Nervousless pacing around. Can't sit still. The last of my survey mosaics is nearly done, only 14 more matches, and I'm getting butterflies in case it doesn't work.

Sister's iPod as distraction. 'Talk' by Coldplay came on. Damn good song. Some very good lyrics.

Sent two things in today - one of them won't get there on time; hence the second. More nerves.

All very cryptic I know. Just need to get it down somewhere.

Off to wander for another few minutes..

Friday, 9 April 2010


Surveys take a lot longer to make than I anticipated.

I have cello-knee-rash on the side of my left knee.

Today, I made the tea.

I'm not going to bed until this survey is done.

Apart from questions 4 through 7, for while the mosaics are STILL being made.


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

(more) YES

Ok! So I think I finally have myself a fully functioning Photomosaic generator!

I honestly never thought the day would come..

In the past few days, here's a rough guide to my progress, starting with the original image:

So, all that remains is for me to decide whether to remove the 'sensitivity' setting, because it doesn't make *that* much of a difference, and to be honest, it's just plain confusing; to make a help file; to make the survey; evaluate; and dissertate.

I don't like the 'word' dissertate. But it just fitted nicely there ; )

I can smell the end..

xDup and xTimes work now :)

xSensitivity works in my head, and as soon as I've finished this mosaic (currently matching 281 of 464), I will hopefully make it work in real life ; )

Currently listening to a brass band version of Guillaume Tell which even has the cello soli bit - very impressed.

Can't wait until my days have a bit more variety in them. Right now, it's pretty much like this:

<+> snooze alarm for an hour
<+> get up. Choose top and pyjama bottoms
<+> move bags, cello and bass from floor to bed
<+> turn on laptop 1. Check e-mails and Things
<+> turn laptop 2 on
<+> have breakfast
<+> come back upstairs and commence project stuff
<+> have mini breaks for dinner, tea, and Just Dance :P
<+> finish early in the morning
<+> turn off laptops
<+> move things from bed to floor
<+> sleep. Recently, with the addition of 'whilst listening to sister's iPod'

The soundtrack to this Easter holiday (I refuse to use the word 'vac'; I hate it) has been, so far:

<+> Owen Pallet, various live sets
<+> OotH Lent 2010 concert programme (Peer Gynt Suite 1, Hoffmeister viola concerto, Dvorak Slavonic dances op.46)
<+> Beyond the Sea
<+> Muse - Absolution
<+> Arcade Fire - Funeral

Hehee!! It worked! And it looks pretty good.. \(^0^)/

Try looking at it from far away : )

So yes, going to do the sensitivity bit now : )

So very nearly there

Only 1 and a half bits left.. Then the fun begins!

Had a bit of a day off today :) Stopped me from going insane, I think.. And twas spent with my lovely sponge!

And yay. Sleep time. Looking forward to it. Lots.

Monday, 5 April 2010

My sister's laptop

makes making mosiacs a breeze.


Your move..

Ooof. Unwise.

Sunday, 4 April 2010


Victory is mine!

(mostly.. Only a little bit more to do!)

And another :)

Saturday, 3 April 2010


Isn't it funny sometimes how stuff can just hit you? Like, properly knock you right over?

No. No it's not.


Oh yeah.. Looking at this, I *can* row :P

Rooting for Cambridge today! GDBO!


*coaxes program*
Come on, you can do! *nods* Don't run out of heap space..

Yay for a more efficient way of doing rotation, and only allowing a certain number of each tile per mosaic.

OOH it worked! Just this second!

This is what it made!

I know it doesn't look that great, but it's an experiment. The mosaic is only made from 15 different tiles, and each one is allowed no more than 40 times. They are tiny tiles, which is why it took a while to make.. Oh, and rotation rather than squashing was chosen.

This is the source image:

..*tries something else*

WOOP my "Was you project successful?" criterion holds!!!!!! SO happy. At least I can look a little less stupid now.

The criterion was that when you feed it a source image that *is* a mosaic, and set it up with exactly the same settings, the same image is produced as output.
(much more easily demonstrated by example..)

Tis my Henriette : )

And here she is with bigger tiles / less detail:

And a nice balloon picture to finish, methinks. Note I've not set any limit to how many duplicates are allowed, and it is only the small tileset again :)

And now, I'm off to make lots of tiles from my photos! Then the mosaics will look good, I promise ; )

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Song associations

Come On Home - Franz Ferdinand --> Go Ape in Grizedale

Feeling Good - Muse --> Coffee / Truffle / Chocolate / rdecorating my room

Autumn - Vivaldi --> The colour pink / blonde hair / room 997 in Fitz

Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen --> Lunchtimes spent around a piano

Somebody Told Me - The Killers --> ML3, MTGS

Wind in the Wires - Patrick Wolf --> running round a mini lake in Florida

The CN Tower Belongs to the Dead - Final Fantasy --> Bottom C kitchen

Ruled By Secrecy - Muse --> CP1, MTGS

El Tango De Roxanne - Moulin Rouge OST --> CP2, MTGS

Violet Hill - Coldplay --> A21

String Quintet in C - Schubert --> Coming home from Cambridge interview

Space Dementia - Muse --> AS Level ICT / the first time I got wireless Internet on my laptop

Teeth - Bowerbirds --> Jungle Parc / Khlöe's 10th birthday

Blame it on the Boogie - Michael Jackson --> Ice skating and curling

Black Holes and Revelations - Muse --> Bude / harps

Franz Ferdinand (full album) --> Silverdale

Love's Not a Competition (But I'm Winning) - The Kaiser Chiefs --> Next (the shop, yes)

All These Things That I've Done - The Killers --> The Box (tv channel)

American Idiot (full album) - Green Day --> Being in a car, turning left, and seeing a park on my right, and black railings on my left.

Took You Two Years - Final Fantasy --> JJ Thomson

Isle Delphino - Mario and Zelda Big Band Live --> French GCSE oral exam

Isn't my mind weird?

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

This too shall pass

Sadness still prevails. This makes it go away a smidge :)

I think you should go watch it in HD, full screen; appreciate the sheer awesomeness.

Today I've been listening to a *lot* of Owen Pallett, and playing the violin.

My fingers feel way too big for a violin.

I shall persevere.


You may be made for love, but I'm just made.

You'll never stop them running

Yay! Jules has posted videos from the ENTIRE show, linked here for your viewing pleasure, and as a lovely shortcut for me: He Poos Clouds, here I come!

(Did I mention I loved that song??)
Incidentally, really funny thing happens in the middle ; )

He Poos Clouds


Flare Gun

The Butcher

Many Lives -> 49 MP

This Lamb Sells Condos

Lewis Takes Off His Shirt

Independence is No Solution

Better Than Worse

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Boys run like water from the barrel to the trough

Ok. I *am* actually doing my project right now. However, it is, at this second taking an age to make a mosaic (not a good sign, I know, but I am testing out a few new features, so I'll let it off), so I thought I'd jump on here and tell all you lovely folks (I know there are at least two of you..) about the wonderousness that was Owen Pallett.

After a bit of a hectic "train" journey there (Sunday trains, and a bus replacement service between Sandhills and Lime Street), I finally met Nice Phil (too long a story I'm not going into) at the Cornerhouse.

Off we pop, {ooh! It worked!! I should go, but I've started so I'll finish ; ) } to find a small Japanese restaurant I'd scouted out ( Nervously going down two flights of stairs with no signs that it*was* a place to eat, it turned out to be rather yummy. A mini-Wagamama, but a lot cheaper. Win. And we both tried fruit fritters (banana, pineapple, and the surprise favourite, apple). Scrummy.

Then to the venue, conveniently round the corner. This time, up two flights of stairs. Breeze through ticket collection, pause briefly at the merchandise table, hesitate, then hear some interesting sounds from the actual room, so go through, to discover..
TCHAIKOVSKY 6!! Yay! What excellent taste. We're assuming it was hand picked by M.Pallett, else The Deaf Institution has some seriously awesome stuff going for it. Like this stereo wall:

Decide to go buy some t-shirts (and also now regretting the fact I didn't buy a mug..), then go through to wait for the support band. Which turned out to be thrash metal ... Saying that, it was alright. I don't think I'd choose to listen to it, and I was glad that I could still hear properly after Next Life had finished playing, but 'twas an experience of a completely different type of music :

Here's their keyboardist. Also note the wonderful wallpaper:

Some more of the quirky venue:
There was a small seated section at the back, in a small alcove:

And of course, then there was Owen :D

Stonking set list:

  • The CN Tower Belongs to the Dead
  • This is the Dream of Win and Reg
  • The Man with No Ankles
  • That's when the Audience Died
  • Keep the Dog Quiet / Mount Alpentine
  • The Great Elsewhere
  • Lewis Takes Action
  • He Poos Clouds (from which the photo above is taken. The pizz *and* arco part in the middle. My favourite song!!)
  • Interview
  • Flare Gun
  • The Butcher
  • Many Lives -> 49 MP (wonderful version of it)
  • This Lamb Sells Condos
  • Lewis Takes Off his Shirt
  • Independence is No Solution
  • Better Than Worse

He is a brilliant live performer. I can't really describe in English just how good it was. Luckily, a nice person took some videos : ) And he has a wonderful laugh (a snippet of which is in the vid to He Poos Clouds; just up there..)

The CN Tower Belongs to the Dead

This is the Dream of Win and Régine

The Man with No Ankles

That's When the Audience Died

Keep the Dog Quiet / Mount Alpentine

The Great Elsewhere - Lewis Takes Action

Can't wait for him to be in England again :D

And now, to mosaic!

Monday, 29 March 2010

All the boys I have ever loved have been digital

So yes. I will rave on about Owen Pallett tomorrow. I have indeed compiled the set list. And taken photos. It was WONDERFUL

This is a just a small post though.

I often wonder if I did the right thing.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

He poos clouds

Going to see Owen Pallett tonight!!!


Saturday, 27 March 2010


Isn't that a cool name for a composer??


So, that bit of code is still broken, but another amazing bit works : ) Swings and roundabouts?

I've also jumped on the laptop with Internet (as opposed to my one with project and no Internet) again, and completely forgotten what I jumped on here to look up. I'm so easily distracted.

Just Dance. Another distraction. Beautifully captured by Khlöe:


Project seems to have broken, and not *just* in the current version. In every single other version where this method previously worked!!

No idea why it won't work.

Food time.

And I fell for ya honey as easy as fallin' asleep

Have just received post (so already in a bouncey mood). I knew it was going to be music for concert band, but didn't know exactly what it was going to be..

*mini drum roll in my head*

West Side Story Selection - Hmm, could be fun, I thought!

The Starts and Stripes Forever - Ok

Selections from Les Misérables - *BOUNCE* YESSSSSS

Friday, 26 March 2010

An observation

I currently have long nails. I haven't had nails for *years*. Clearly I'm not doing enough/any harp or cello at the mo..

When I was little [edit: have I ever stopped wanting this??] I wanted to be a nail art designer/painter : ) Pretty things:

My head is spinning..

My ear has just popped and I feel rather dizzy, but overall, slightly-less-ill-Dee!! Woop! Maybe I'll do some work later on : )

Or maybe I'll carry on looking through my photographs...

Thursday, 25 March 2010


Well, that's that. I no longer have a supervisor.. This could be interesting.

It was dirt and dirt is all the same

Was tempted to come and post at 5.43am this morning, when I was woken up by a shuffling in my room, which turned out to be Fitz, our dog.

Instead, I chased him, had a menthol Locket, and tried to sleep some more.

Good Things have happened today:

  • I came home and had a postcard from New York! I adore post..
  • I finished off my bracelet! Picture below..
  • I ate a pomegranate! And bought two more..
  • I bought 2 pairs of coloured tights! I have a bit of a thing for colourful tights at the mo..

And now to sleep. Still fairly ill, which is *really* annoying.. One of the few times when I actually *want* to do my university work and I just can't : (

Title is from ' '81 ' by Joanna Newsom. Lovely lovely song.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Brahms, Symphony 3 in F Major

I appear to have started a blog.

I've never wanted one before. I had a vague notion that I'd be setting one up soon, but for entirely different reasons. Alas that wasn't meant to be.

I gained a love of writing things down after I was bought a blank notebook as a birthday present last year. It sat around for a month, and then I had a sudden urge to write. I knew it should become a diary. Quite why I'll never know.

My head is filled with random bits and pieces, maybe I'm hoping to share some of them with you. Maybe you'll share some things with me. Maybe I'll write about general things in my life. Maybe I'll write about your life.

I really don't know.

I'm on a self-inflicted mission to listen to more classical music. Titles of posts may occasionally be what I'm currently listening to, or have stuck in my head.

I started this now because I'm ill. I'm home from university, and originally thought I was just having my termly spell of 'Oh no, I'm allergic to the dog again', but no. A horrible cold-y flu thing snuck up and got me. I went to bed at about 7, having dozed most of the day away, and now find myself awake.

I may write more later on. Or maybe tomorrow. Who knows?